Drawing Tree Forms

There are three design elements to consider when creating a planting design: form, texture and color.

Each plant you choose encompasses these charact...

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How to Label Plants

When we create a landscape design it's important that we communicate what's on the plan. The plants are one of the most significant elements and typic...

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The Wellie Rain Garden

When I wrote my post on rain gardens, I thought it would be fun to use my theme garden design process to add a little more punch to this type of lands...

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Spatial vs. Planting Design

As you approach garden design, it's important to understand two aspects: spatial design and planting design. Spatial design can easily be overlooked, ...

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How to Group Plant Symbols

For those that enjoyed my How to Draw a Plant Symbol tutorial, here is the next step...grouping plant symbols.  A general rule of thumb for planting d...

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A Rain Garden

A rain garden is a planting area that captures runoff from rain that falls on roofs, driveways or yards. They help create landscapes that are both bea...

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Dreaming of Bedlines

How do I stop the madness of crazy bedlines? These are the lines that slither through the lawn without a care in the world. Those new to landscape des...

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Drawing a Tree

A fun way to design a landscape is in elevation - or a straight-on view as if you were standing and looking at it (vs. a plan view that is looking dow...

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Online Plant Databases

People often ask where I search out new plants for my designs. Besides books, I enjoy perusing online plant databases. These are great for narrowing d...

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How to Draw a Plant Symbol

As I teach you my tips and tricks about garden design, it's only appropriate to also give you the skills to carry out your creations. One of these ski...

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Details in the Garden

A couple of months ago I visited a small, yet amazing garden in central Iowa. I learned something that day:  size doesn't's all in the det...

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Keep it Positive in the Garden
Let me tell you a little secret about garden design. It's important to keep your livable spaces positive.

What do I mean? Often we'll lay

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Texture in the Garden

I am infatuated with great TEXTURE in the garden...and the garden I visited last week had amazing texture plastered all over it. So exciting

If you...

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A Dog Friendly Garden

Several years ago I had the privilege of visiting a stunning Iowa garden dedicated to the owner's four-legged friends. When I swung open the ornate wo...

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Make Your Garden Pop with Texture

Planting design is a science and an art. The science takes into consideration what your plants need to thrive, while the art is about composition. The...

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