Creating a Heavy Metal Theme Garden

About 15 years ago I accepted an amazing position at a local botanic garden. Being in a beautiful place, surrounded by talented staff and volunteers i...

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My Theme Garden Design Process (+ a Knitting Garden!)

Over twenty years ago, while studying landscape architecture, I was asked to develop a concept for my first landscape design. I struggled with this id...

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Don't Sideline Your Sideyard

Most residential landscapes include a front yard, backyard and the side yards that connect the front and back. Each of these spaces have their purpose...

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Mystery in the Garden

Were you ever compelled to walk down a path to see where it led or go through a beautiful gate to see what was on the other side? These

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Rhythm in the Garden

Last weekend marked two musical firsts for my younger kids. My 16-year-old daughter and 9-year-old son attended their first concerts. Both experienced...

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The Components of a Fence

Garden design is about creating outdoor spaces. To make an outdoor space or room think about how you can define it through the addition of a floor, wa...

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How to Unify Your Landscape

Though some of us may have an empty yard when we start our garden design, most do not.  I receive many questions about how to work with existing trees...

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Mix and Match Patio

Landscape design is about creating outdoor spaces. This seems simple enough, but sometimes we get caught up in the details and don't know where to sta...

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An Up North Theme Garden

Many of you know that I love theme gardens and especially enjoy helping others develop them too. Several years ago I created a fun and simple process ...

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Elevation to Plan

One of the best ways to design is to draw your ideas in elevation, especially when making a composition of plants. This allows you to visualize the pl...

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The Gardens of Santa Fe

Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend the Association of Professional Landscape Designer's (APLD) annual conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico. M...

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Creating a Color Palette From a Theme

I love color in the garden, but often feel overwhelmed when trying to make choices.  One way to narrow down your color focus is to choose a theme. Pic...

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Garden Doodle Sheets: Circles
Grab a pen and explore different ways you might design the spaces below. Try different plant symbols, ground textures and hardscape materials. Both pl...
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Curvilinear Preliminary Design
About a year ago I did a series of posts that showcased three parts of the design process. For those that struggle with how to start their landscape d...
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Garden Doodle Sheets

Garden design can be intimidating when we don’t know where to start, so let me help you tiptoe into this beautiful new world. I’ll provide the garden ...

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Bed Edge Boost

I weeded a lot this summer and that means I had a lot of thinking time. Time to think about how the type of bed edge determined how much time I spent ...

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Designing Your Garden: The Preliminary Design
Spatial design is a wonderful way to define your garden spaces and determine planting bed locations. Luckily there is a process to lead us through thi...
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Designing Your Garden: Defining Structure
This can be the most challenging, yet the most fun part of developing your spatial design. Once you create a bubble diagram to organize your outdoor s...
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