An orderly approach to project workflow
A potential client turns to you and says "let's do this, I'd love for you to create my amazing outdoor space"...or perhaps you dream about starting a design project in your own yard...but with both you have no idea where to start. Yikes! This month let's focus on creating a design process workflow to help you finish a project step-by-step.
A great place to start is building on the CORE DESIGN PROCESS. We covered this process back in Garden Design Guide .002 and now is a great time to build on it. How can you use this as a starting point, while adding on aspects to help YOU have a process for an entire project from beginning to end? YOUR DESIGN PROCESS can include when to meet with clients, when to collect payment, plus the core of collecting information and creating the actual design for the site. This process works for both homeowners and business owners. Bonus. Let's jump in!
Below you will find several items to help you learn more about YOUR DESIGN PROCESS. From written words to video to applied activities to our Design Library resources to group discussions. Explore our topic from different angles and gain a new perspective. Click on the images below to download PDFs of your Garden Design Guide and Activity. Further down you will find a video and links to our community, two bonus live sessions, plus a Q+A too!
Activity Workflow Templates
This month take the time to create your own Design Process Workflow. You can either use my Google Doc templates or create your own. The link below goes to a folder that includes three templates: one for the entire CORE DESIGN PROCESS, plus one for homeowners and one for business owners. Save a copy of the Google Doc to your drive, then you can edit them as you please.
VIDEO: Creating Your Design Process Workflow
In this video I describe the CORE DESIGN PROCESS and some ways you can add to it to create your own workflow.
The resources below are a wonderful way to help strengthen the development of YOUR DESIGN PROCESS.
We've had some amazing guests provide business resources that included topics such as contracts, plant list software, and design fees. We also have a bunch of client questionnaire examples. This area is located in our DESIGN LIBRARY. Once you get there, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page.
Don't forget to hang out with us this month.
Check in to share your activity. Try it yourself and/or learn from the submissions of your peers. No need to stress. Just enjoy!
We have two activities this month. Choose one, both or simply learn from your peer submissions.
ACTIVITY ONE: Find an example of Design Process Workflow from another designer.
Share a win!
What have you accomplished in the last month that makes you super happy? Let us celebrate with you!
Do you have a question?
Do you have a question on this month's topic or another design question? Let's all learn together!
We have three this month: our normal Q+A, plus a guest speaker and the start of our book club. These will be recorded in case you can't make it (then posted right back here). Check out all UPCOMING MEETUPS here. I can't wait to see you!
My Design Process by Lisa Port
Lisa Port, CPLD, FAPLD of Banyon Tree Landscape Design will be sharing her own design process and the steps she takes from the moment she starts working with a client until the end.
Thursday, January 9 | 11 AM CST
London: 5 PM GMT
Sydney: January 10 at 4 AM AEDT
BOOK CLUB: Resilient Garden by Tom Massey
I'm excited to start reading a new book with you!
"This forward-thinking book - grounded in the latest RHS research - shows you how to work with the environment and adapt your outdoor space to give it exactly what it needs to flourish."
We will meet three times (January, February + March). Below is our first session:
Tuesday, January 14 | 2 PM CST
Monthly Q+A
Let's catch up on this month's topic, plus share our activities. I can't wait to see you!
Thursday, January 23
Noon PST | 1 PM MST | 2 PM CST | 3 PM EST
London: 8 PM GMT
Sydney: Jan 14 at 7 AM AEDT
I'd love your feedback once you've devoured all this goodness.
Drop me a note at the email below and let me know what you loved and what could be improved. Thank you!
Please contact me at [email protected]