A beautiful way to focus your design with personal connection

Your style is your unique preferences and approach to everything you do. Our experiences, environment and maybe even genetics (thoughts?) influence our style. Many of us are in constant search of our style, but maybe, just maybe it's right there in front of us? What a beautiful mystery to solve...and I'm excited to start this journey with you.

This month we will explore our personal style by reflecting on our own stories. Sweet obsessions will be translated into three magical words that will guide us towards creating a garden room splashed all over with your newfound style.

We'll be covering PERSONAL STYLE this month, but if you'd like to explore the idea of a THEMED STYLE check out Garden Guide No. 004: THEME GARDEN PROCESS. Or click here to visit our DESIGN LIBRARY. Look under the STYLE + THEMES section.


Below you will find several items to help you learn more about YOUR GARDEN STORY + STYLE. From written words to video to applied activities to group discussions. Explore our topic from different angles and gain a new perspective. Click on the first two images below to download PDFs. Further down you will find a suggestion for further reading, a video, links to our community, plus live sessions too!

Take a peak at the GARDEN ROOM Garden Guide too!

Once you read about revealing your STYLE, take a moment to read our garden guide on GARDEN ROOMS to assist with this month's activity. This guide will explain how to define your rooms with floors, walls and ceilings.

Look here!


Take the time to learn about landscape designers you admire. What is their story and how has it inspired their style?In the video below I share a bit about Gertrude Jekyll's story and how her obsessions of art and plants shifted garden design style in the late 18th century.


Don't forget to hang out with everyone to share your work and chat about OUR GARDEN STORIES + STYLE! Check in to share your activity via the CHALLENGES area. Specific links are located in each activity below.



Create a mood board for a garden room in your style.
Your garden room's main function should focus on the way that best supports YOU. Choose furniture, plus consider what materials would work best for the FLOOR, WALLS and CEILING.
All elements should be aesthetically cohesive, functionally support the role of relaxing, plus reflect the THREE WORDS of your style. Oh, and don't forget to include those three words on your mood board too!

Share via a CHALLENGE

Share a win!

What have you accomplished in the last month that makes you super happy? Let us celebrate with you!

I have something cool to share!


We have two this month: our normal Q+A, plus a special guest presentation. These will both be recorded in case you can't make it (then posted right back here). Visit the Q+A SCHEDULE for times and links or click below. 

I can't wait to see you!

Conversation Gardens with Lynn Kuhn, PLA

Tuesday, October 17

9 AM PDT | 10 AM CDT | 11 AM EDT

London: 4 PM BST

Sydney: Oct 18 at 2 AM

Lynn will discuss how to create garden spaces that encourage conversation and  allow relationships to grow.

Grab a copy of The Five Key Components Evaluation Worksheet

Check out Lynn's website here: Conversation Gardens

Take a peek at Lynn's book: Conversation Gardens

CHAT NOTES from the live session.

View the recording here!

Monthly Q+A

Thursday, October 26

9 AM PDT | 10 AM CDT | 11 AM EDT

London: 4 PM BST

Sydney: Oct 28 at 2 AM


See the RECORDING here

I'd love your feedback once you've devoured all this goodness. 

Drop me a note at the email below and let me know what you loved and what could be improved. Thank you!

Please contact me at [email protected]

Return to the  Garden Design Collective headquarters

Let's go!