When organizing your workspace, consider the following elements to create a functional and inspiring environment:
DESK: Start with a spacious and sturdy desk or tabletop as your blank canvas. Choose one with ample surface area, preferably near a window with natural light. Remember, a happy desk means happy designs! FYI...I used my dining room table for years and still do at times.
SEATING: Choose a comfortable chair that supports your back and encourages hours of creativity without strain. You can even throw in some plush cushions or a soft throw blanket to make your workspace cozy and inviting.
LIGHTING: Ensure you have proper lighting to illuminate your workspace. Add a mix of ambient and task lighting, such as a stylish desk lamp or drafting table swing arm or clip-on lights. If you really want to set a happy mood and brighten your space, drape some string lights from the ceiling.
DRAWING SUPPLIES: Gather any existing drafting tools and supplies—pencils, pens, erasers, rulers, t-square, templates, and markers. If you are like most of us, you already have a ‘collection’ of supplies. You can gather more in our DRAFTING SUPPLY CLUB class next month! |