My Theme Garden Design Process (+ a Knitting Garden!)

Over twenty years ago, while studying landscape architecture, I was asked to develop a concept for my first landscape design. I struggled with this id...

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An Up North Theme Garden

Many of you know that I love theme gardens and especially enjoy helping others develop them too. Several years ago I created a fun and simple process ...

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Creating a Color Palette From a Theme

I love color in the garden, but often feel overwhelmed when trying to make choices.  One way to narrow down your color focus is to choose a theme. Pic...

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Garden Stripes

As we approach the fourth of July here in the US with all the patriotic colors and symbols that accompany it I began thinking about how these are tran...

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Garden Triangles

I enjoy connecting patterns seen in fashion to garden design, so when my daughter purchased a pair of socks covered in triangles I began my search for...

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Chevron Garden
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines chevron as a shape, pattern or object in the form of a V or an upside-down V.  It can also be shown proudly on the ...
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Design at Disney

A couple of weeks ago we had the opportunity to visit Disney World for spring break.  I think I was just as excited as my kids (maybe even more).  I h...

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The Black Border

While visiting Reiman Gardens in Ames, Iowa, I had the pleasure of stumbling across one of their annual displays, the black border. It is a lovely, da...

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The Wellie Rain Garden

When I wrote my post on rain gardens, I thought it would be fun to use my theme garden design process to add a little more punch to this type of lands...

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A Rain Garden

A rain garden is a planting area that captures runoff from rain that falls on roofs, driveways or yards. They help create landscapes that are both bea...

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A Dog Friendly Garden

Several years ago I had the privilege of visiting a stunning Iowa garden dedicated to the owner's four-legged friends. When I swung open the ornate wo...

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