Two Trips: Wisconsin and Georgia

This year we found a cabin that could fit both sides of our family, so we squeezed in 17 people and filled our time with fishing fun. Below are just a few images from our trip.
1. Amazingly, this is the first time we've ever had a cabin facing west, so were able to enjoy sunsets every evening.
2. This striking orange wildflower filled meadows along the roadsides. Someone on Instagram kindly identified it as Hieracium sp.
3. This moth lovingly clung to our cabin wall one morning. I think it is a giant leopard moth.
4. This last image shows the beauty of lichen against birch bark.
After driving back home from Wisconsin I only had a few hours before jumping on a flight to Atlanta (then drove to Athens) for a teaching conference. This was my first trip to Georgia and I absolutely adored it (heat and all). I was fortunate to visit a couple of gardens and participate in a history tour. Below are some images from this trip.
5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 19 & 20. These lovely images were taken at the Atlanta Botanical Garden. I've wanted to visit this garden for a long time, so was thrilled to finally see it. They have an amazing orchid house, great plant combinations, sweet garden rooms, and fabulous hardscapes (look at that beautiful chevron detail in the limestone wall!).
8, 11, 14. These images were taken at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia in Athens at the University of Georgia. A garden gem tucked into the woods' edge.
12, 17. We had a fascinating historic tour to Wilkes County which included the Washington Historical Museum.
18. My Georgia doodles...that includes one of my southern favorites, sweet tea.