An Itty Bitty Allium

A few weeks ago I wrote a post on my favorite summer blooming alliums; Allium 'summer beauty' and Allium 'millenium'. Now I'd like to share my late-summer/early fall favorite: Allium senescens ssp. glaucum. When combining these three in your garden you'll have an amazing display of polka-dots from mid-July to early October (an FYI...I'm in the US Midwest, zone 5!).
Sometimes it's a struggle finding a plant that always looks good, plus has the bonus of blooming at an odd fall. Allium senescens ssp. glaucum falls into that special category.
I found this plant while looking for another allium and it's been such a fabulous addition. I've been quite happy with its beautiful blue-gray grassy, twisted foliage, plus its sweet little purplish-pink flower.
I have it right in the front of my border, because the foliage stays small and tight (only about 6" tall). The flower buds are a lovely light pink to white in August, then finally burst open to light purple flowers in September. They then hold onto that color display until early October. The flower heads are only about 1.5" wide upon 8-12" tall stems.
The added bonus...they are easy to divide. Eventually they can be spread along the front of a border to give a polka-dot like feel in the fall.